Auction Details
This is 2022's final hurrah and it is short and sweet.
Imperative that you provide us with your mailing and physical addresses, whether you are a gun collector or target shooter and if so, what club, plus your date of birth.
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411 - 308 BulletsGTA Gun auctions
1 box Nosler 180 gr. BT solid base SP. 1 box Speer 100 gr. 1 box Speer 165 gr. Spitzer.
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413 - DiesGTA Gun auctions
Redding 9mm 3 die set. RCBS 30 Luger FL die set. Both unused.
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415 - Lyman DiesGTA Gun auctions
223 Taper crimp die. 35 long neck expanding die. Scale weight check set.
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