August Colossal Gun Auction

Auction Details

You thought the last one was amazing. Get a load of this one.
Note. Session 1 will conclude on Sunday August 28.
Session 2 will conclude Tuesday August 30th.
Imperative that you provide us with
1;your mailing and physical addresses,
2; whether you are a gun collector or target shooter and if so, what club, plus
3; your date of birth.
Failure to complete the above will absolutely result in slower delivery.
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30 Luger Ammo.501 - 30 Luger Ammo.
GTA Gun auctions
Norma ammo 30 Luger. 1 box of 50 rounds. FMJ.
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Start Price : 0.00
12 Ga. Slug Ammo502 - 12 Ga. Slug Ammo
GTA Gun auctions
Remington 12 Ga. 2 3/4. 1oz HPRS. 5 boxes of 5. 25 rounds total.
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12 Ga. Ammo503 - 12 Ga. Ammo
GTA Gun auctions
Winchester 12 Ga. 4 boxes of 5, 2 3/4 slugs. 1 box magnum 2 3/4 00 buck.  
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12 Ga. Ammo504 - 12 Ga. Ammo
GTA Gun auctions
Mastercraft Supreme Canadian Tire 12 Ga. 2 3/4 #6. 3 boxes of 25. 75 total.
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12 Ga. Ammo505 - 12 Ga. Ammo
GTA Gun auctions
Browning 12 Ga. 2 3/4 - 7 1/2 Shot. 1 box of 25.
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30 Luger Ammo.506 - 30 Luger Ammo.
GTA Gun auctions
30 Luger 7.65. Western X 93 Gr FMJ. 2 Boxes of 50. 100 rounds.
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Start Price : 0.00
.303 British Ammo507 - .303 British Ammo
GTA Gun auctions
1 Box Winchester Super X 180 Gr. Power Point. 1 Box Hornady 150 Gr. Soft Point.
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Military M2 Ammo (30-06)508 - Military M2 Ammo (30-06)
GTA Gun auctions
185 rounds of M2 AP. Military ammo can. 30-06.
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Reloaded 43 Mauser Ammo509 - Reloaded 43 Mauser Ammo
GTA Gun auctions
Reloaded 43 Mauser. Dominion cases. 19 rounds.
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9mm Ammo510 - 9mm Ammo
GTA Gun auctions
9mm BACC. Canadian Mk 1. 4 Boxes of 64. 265 rounds total.
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